Student credit cards can be a blessing or a curse depending on how they are used. As long as you don’t spend more than you can afford to, they can provide a financial cushion and help you to establish a good credit rating which will stand you in good stead in the future. If you are a student, you already know that you are faced with a lot of educational expenses that you have to pay for upfront.
If you don’t have the cash to purchase text books or readers you can be seriously disadvantaged in your studies. Even something as simple as being able to put petrol in your car to get to college can be an intermittent problem for students. So having a credit card to fall back on only makes sense.
Many credit card providers offer student credit cards with low available credit and reasonable rates. Some have conditions that automatically reduce your limit if you pay late. So you need to carefully read the terms and conditions before applying. You may qualify for a regular credit card if you have adequate part time income so you don’t need to limit your search to credit cards marketed specifically to students. However, if you lack adequate income for a standard credit card, look for one for students.
As with all credit cards aim for the lowest annual percentage rate, lowest fees and charges, and lowest late payment penalties. You want to keep your monthly credit cards to a reasonable level. Ideally, you will be able to do more than simply make the minimum payment. You will be able to pay off your credit card quickly. It is easy get into a quagmire with credit cards so plan your spending and repayments ahead of time to avoid potential problems.
The quickest and easiest way to find the best value student credit cards is to use the internet. By simply doing an online search you will discover a plethora of possibilities. However, this can still be too much work. An online one-stop credit card website can simplify the process. Instead of searching through hundreds of credit card offers you can use the services of a site that has already done this for you.
These sites then provide a selection of credit cards which offer the best value. You will still need to compare them and look for the most suitable student credit cards for your personal needs but you will be able to do this relatively quickly. Once you have chosen a card you can apply for it on the very same site saving you even more time and trouble.
Student credit cards used sensibly can help you purchase text books or pay for short term expenses until you can pay for them. However, if you are not careful you can end up with a credit card debt burden. If you only buy what you can afford, your credit card will serve you and not the other way around.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
How To Apply For Student Credit Cards
5:31 pm
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