Often, students do not have credit records. This makes it difficult for them to obtain credit cards. In addition, if they are able to obtain, the credit limit is low or interest rates charged are high. At such times, prepaid student credit card is the best option, as it provides flexibility of a credit card and avoids accumulating debts at the same time.
No credit checks or monthly installments are required to obtain such type of credit card. The amount transferred to a prepaid credit card determines the spending limit. You can obtain such a credit card online or from a financial institution.
Uses and Benefits:
You can use this credit card wherever normal credit cards are accepted. If credit balance on the card is low, students can refill them at any time. Methods to refill these cards are through cash or check. Some card issuers also accept automatic account loading on a monthly basis.
With normal credit cards, you are not aware of the amount available on the card. Sometimes, dealers may take a small amount first and charge the full amount later. As a result, an overlimit fee is charged, which results in negative balance.
Hence, students need to monitor their credit balance and transactions on their credit cards, as they have to pay the negative balance. This also helps them to beware about financial stability and budgeting at a young age.
Some prepaid student credit cards allow students to build their credit history. You can apply for such a prepaid credit card, if you have a social security number. Social security number plays an important role in applying for this type of credit card. As a result, they are reported to credit bureau agencies. You need to maintain a positive credit history by keeping the card active and avoiding negative balances. Good credit records help students to get credit cards with lower rate of interest and in getting finances such as loans and mortgages.
Prepaid student cards provide students the flexibility of using credit cards without worrying about card debts. Students learn to maintain economic constancy and develop positive credit history with the help of these cards.
These credit cards function in the same manner as normal credit cards do. You can buy goods and services from different locations with these cards. They look and act as a normal card and are very similar to debit cards. You have to put some money in a pre-determined bank account to make use of these cards. If you fail to put money on the card, you will not be able to use the card.
Other Points To Remember:
Minors, who are unable to obtain cards, can get these types of credit cards. Usually, teenagers use prepaid student credit cards the most to build credit history, while studying.
Some disadvantages of these cards are:
1. There is a monthly convenience fee.
2. You have to pay an interest fee.
3. You do not get a credit.
5. They make it difficult to shop with a low interest rate.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Prepaid Student Credit Cards and How They Work
5:31 pm
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