The credit card business has spread to cater every section of society world-wide. Normally, companies target people who have the means to personally repay the unpaid money balance. Students have been allowed this facility, even if they are not earning. are getting popular with students in America. At that stage of their life most of the students are usually unemployed. But, they do have to incur certain expenditure on tuition fee, books, projects and more. They can tide over emergency expenses with a credit card and need not wait while their parents transfer money. are easy to come by, but the interest rates are higher than normal. For that matter, late payment fee is higher and credit limits lower. Parents guarantee payment of unpaid amounts and pay off the credit bills. If a student gets into the bad habit of over-spending he will be sowing seeds of a poor credit rating, which can hamper his credit as an adult. But, a credit card is a wonderful tool to inculcate in your child the virtues of planned spending. That way he grows up to be responsible for his expenses and keep his credit rating intact by building a good credit card history.As holders of credit cards, students are entitled to all rights and liabilities that come with credit cards. The Fair Credit Billing Act is applicable to each type of a credit card. are no exception and students can be even be punished or charged for any unauthorized use of their charge account or for any billing errors of their account. In conclusion, students may be advised to use their credit cards most responsibly and judiciously to avoid falling in a debt trap.CASH BACK CREDIT CARDSCash back credit cards offer a 1% rebate on every purchase you make. You may also get gifts for the shopping you do on your cash back credit card. Most big companies offer cash back credit cards to selected customers only. Persons, with a good credit report or clean credit history are most sought after. In case you hold a cash back credit card it means that you are not bankrupt; nor do you have any unpaid bills. Most of the cash back credit cards are generally offered to those who have a credit score of 700 or better, other than a clean credit history. Some insurance companies prefer dealing with customers holding cash back credit cards. You may even have your loans easily processed by banks. However, be warned that such cards have inherent high rate of interest. It means that the benefits you derive can easily be offset by the high interest you may pay on monthly unpaid balance.Use your credit line judiciously. Many card users have, unfortunately started using credit cards as a principal means to support them, whereas credit cards are meant to help you when you fall short on cash. With high rates of interest, the unpaid amount escalates beyond one’s paying power. Credit cards are debt traps, if used injudiciously. Young people are getting attracted to credit cards and their whole perception of money spending changes. They start perceiving credit as free money. Credit cards charge heavy interest on out standings and before a card holder realizes he is caught in a debt trap. He tries to get out of this situation by getting more cards and transferring the balance to the new card. It might give him temporary relief, but it causes untold harm to his credit rating.
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