When students apply for credit cards and sign on the contract, credit card issuers assume that they have gone through every detail. Even though majority of the authority rests with the issuers, you need to understand your basic rights over the use of student credit cards. Fair Credit Billing Act bestows certain rights on students. While exercising such rights, students need to ensure they do not go against the rules as stated in the act.
Disputable rights
Any action students wish to take has to be in order and within a specified timeframe. Students may come across problems, while using credit cards, most of which are concerned regarding purchases. As such, they own the right to dispute over some issues. The disputes mainly arise in billings you receive from merchants. What if someone has unauthorized access to student credit cards? To tackle such complicated issues, Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) offers certain disputable rights to students.
Nature of Disputes:
Billing: Often you, as credit card holder, may have a dispute with merchants for goods, which either you do not receive or are not in good condition. If this happens to you, follow the steps as below:
1. Within two months from the date of receipt of first statement that lists the dispatched item, contact your credit card issuer in writing. Use separate address for billing inquiries. In addition, make sure you mail the letter including your name as it appears on your account. Mention the account number, complete information of the item you wish to dispute and your specific need, be it rectification of mistake from the (merchant) delivery end.
2. Sign the letter before sending across. Preserve a copy of it for future reference. Any supporting documentation you send such as receipt, maintain a copy of it too. Stick to mailing method, which proves you have disputed over anything with the credit card issuer and it acts as certified mail. Accordingly, expect a notification from the issuer within thirty days, since the day of sending the mail. The issuer will then investigate into the matter in question and get back to you.
While investigation is on, you neither make payment for the disputed item nor for any charges that may arise due to it. You are free from any potential liability, if the case is in your favor. Otherwise, you are responsible for paying as mentioned in the cardholder agreement.
Charges without official authorization
These problems are often times associated with student credit cards. For student credit card holders, their responsibility for disputing unauthorized charges is restricted to $50. It may seem uncomfortable to pay $50 for you. Many credit card holders suffer heavy losses, as many cardholders are falling prey to identity theft.
Disputes normally arise as with the use of student credit cards. Often, due to identity mismatch, you might suffer greatly. Be the dispute of any nature, you have the right to fight for it with the credit card issuer. Make sure you dispute in a legal manner and as stated by the FCBA. It is best to talk to an attorney to know more on your rights as a student credit card holder.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Your Student Credit Card Rights
5:31 pm
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