If you are a college student, whether in your first year or getting ready to graduate, one thing you need to start thinking about is your finances. When you get out on your own, your credit is going to be a very important thing. Your credit can influence your job, getting insurance, finding a place to live, and the ability to get credit and loans. Even though you are still in college, it is important that you begin to think about how you can build up a good credit record. One of the best ways to start building up good credit is to go ahead and get a student credit card.Unsecured vs. Secured
There are two types of student credit cards that you can get. One type is a secured card, which means that you actually have to put money down on the card before you can use it. Then you will have a credit limit of the amount of money you paid the company. An unsecured student credit card does not require that you pay any money up front. You will receive a credit limit, which usually starts out between $300-500, and when you make any purchases with the card you will have to make monthly payments on your credit card.
With an unsecured student credit card, you can usually request a credit limit increase after 6 to 12 months of timely payments of at least the minimum due or more.Benefits of a Student Credit Card
There are a variety of great benefits to having a student credit card. First of all, it gives you the opportunity to start building up real credit before you are out there totally on your own. It is also very easy to get a student credit card as well. Most companies view college students as a great group to give credit cards too, since they know most parents will help their kids out with paying the bills. A credit card for college students also provides you with the opportunity to learn how to budget your money and handle your finances as well.Cautions When Using a Student Credit Card
A student credit card is great for building up your credit; however, it is important that you only use it in a responsible manner. You will need to make sure that you never go over your credit limit; in fact, you should really try to stay below 50% of your credit limit if possible, since this will give you the greatest benefit in your credit score with the credit bureaus. Also, make sure that you always pay off your credit card bill on time. If you make a late payment, that will go down as a negative mark on your credit report. Whenever you can, it is also great to pay off purchases every month, which will raise your credit score and also help you make sure that you avoid getting any finance charges.
For students who are trying to get started early on achieving good credit, a student credit card is a great option. Why not check out the student credit options that are available to you and see how you can begin improving your financial future.
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